The Portas Abertas Program is an initiative of Legado das Águas that aims to provide the Vale do Ribeira community with access to the Reserve and a day of experiences in the Atlantic Forest.
We understand that, for the development of the territory where Legado das Águas is located, the surroundings need to be in synergy. To this end, in a transparent manner, the Program seeks to allow the community of Vale do Ribeira to discover the largest private Atlantic Forest reserve in the country through guided tours, previously scheduled and free of charge.
Check out previous editions:
(The files are in Portuguese)

On July 27th, we received 20 indigenous people from the Guyrá Pepo village, which is located in the municipality of Tapiraí, a city bordering the Legado.
Children, youth and adults were able to get to know and admire the beauties of the Atlantic Forest through environmental education activities. For some children, it was their first time connecting with nature. For adults, it was the opportunity to reconnect and remember childhood, bringing out the indigenous essence.
Last June 9th, we received a visit from students from Coronel João Rosa State School, from the city of Tapiraí. They were the first selected from the Portas Abertas Program 2022.
Through environmental education activities, such as trails and visits to our Biodiversity Center, students were able to have an immersion experience in the forest and improve their knowledge about the importance of effectively conserving the environment and its natural resources.

On October 9, 2020, we received the 1st visit of Portas Abertas 2020, a program that aims to provide the community of Vale do Ribeira with access to the Reserve and a day of experiences in the Atlantic Forest.
The Child and adolescente house os Juquiá was the first institution to bring a group of 22 people made up of teenagers, between 12 and 17 years old, and employees for an unforgettable experience. They started with a breakfast and got to know the Legacy and its teaching materials, before leaving to visit the plant nursery and orchid garden. They followed the trail suspended in the woods and then had their meal in our restaurant. Finally, they got to know the majestic fig tree and were able to explore the senses in the Sensorial Garden. Elaine Moura, leader of the action, shared that it was a moment of great joy for all participants to experience this forest bath!

On November 5, through the Portas Abertas Program, we received the artisans from Banarte, a pioneer association in the production of handcrafted pieces from the fiber of the banana leaf in the Ribeira Valley.
It was a very informative day, in which the group had the opportunity to get to know some of the work carried out at Legado das Águas, visiting the native plant nursery, Cambuci Trail, Sensory Garden and Figueira Trail.
The group was composed of 9 people, following all the recommendations for the prevention of the new coronavirus.

On June 15th, we received the first group of the Portas Abertas Program of 2021. Composed of students, aged between 14 and 17, and employees of the Young Farmer of the Future Program, all of them had the experience of getting to know the production process of native plants of the Legado das Águas Biodiversity Center, and carry out the Cambuci trail, Figueira Brava trail and Jardim Sensorial.
Elaine Moura, leader of the action, shared that in total we had 16 people in the group and that the visit was a moment of great joy and exchange of experiences for all participants.
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