In 2019, we created a seal called “Corporate Friend of Legado das Águas” with the aim of recognizing the companies and other institutions that work with Legado das Águas in defining actions, work plans and strategies that contribute to the conservation of the reserve and/or, directly or indirectly, create mechanisms for the generation of revenue to be invested in the maintenance of the area itself.
The seal can be used by all companies selected by the Legado das Águas. It is formally awarded via the delivery of a certificate and seal to those companies which in some way:
- Generate scientific knowledge linked to conservation;
- Promote environmental education actions;
- Carry out actions that contribute to the conservation of the Atlantic Forest;
- Take action with the community to engage on environmental issues;
- Bring ideas and projects, which can be developed in partnership with the Legado das Águas, that contribute to the maintenance of the area and/or development of the region;
- Contribute, directly or indirectly, to the creation of new businesses through the conservation of the Atlantic Forest.
The company will receive a copy of a digital file with the seal artwork and the application manual. The seal may be used as follows:
- Insertion of the seal on the company’s website, with a link to the website of the Legado das Águas;
- Publicize the awarding of the seal on social networks;
- Inclusion of the seal in institutional materials (folders, flyers).
The seal is linked to a certificate, which shows the year in which it is valid for the company to use. This period must be respected and the renewal of the seal is at the discretion of the Legado das Águas, after further evaluation, and a new notification via e-mail.
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