Prêmio Nacional da Biodiversidade 2017
Legado das Águas won in the “Companies” category the second 2017 edition of the Prêmio Nacional da Biodiversidade 2017, promoted by the Ministry of the Environment, whose objective is to recognize initiatives by the public, private, social and professional organizations that stand out for seeking to improve the state. conservation of Brazilian biodiversity species, contributing to the achievement of the National Biodiversity Goals. In all, there were 17 finalists divided into six categories: Academy, Companies, Press, Ministry of the Environment, Public Bodies and Civil Society. For each registered initiative, the following criteria were evaluated: effectiveness in terms of the species’ conservation status, environmental and social impacts and innovation.
Prêmio Eco 2017
Legado was one of the winners of the 2017 edition of the Prêmio Eco 2017, offered by Amcham (American Chamber of Commerce) to companies that adopt socially responsible practices. Innovations in management ensured the award in the “sustainability in processes” category. This is because Legado das Águas has as its main premises to be an innovative initiative in which it is possible to generate income while stimulating the development of the territory where the Reserve is located, involving the local population and municipalities in the maintenance of the standing forest. . Some examples of these activities are ecotourism, compensation for legal reserves and the sale of native Atlantic Forest seedlings, in addition to social work, which enabled projects such as the Public Management Support (AGP), the Votorantim Partnership for Education (PVE) program. , between others. Created by Amcham in 1982 to recognize and promote corporate sustainability, the ECO Award has already mobilized more than 2,000 companies that have registered their projects over the last three decades in Brazil.
Prêmio Eco 2018
Legado das Águas was recognized in 2018, for the second time, with the Prêmio Eco 2018, offered by the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham-SP) to companies that adopt responsible socio-environmental practices. The Green Code project, an automated traceability system for plants produced by the Legado das Águas nursery, secured the award in the “Processes” category. Recognized in the previous edition for innovations in the management of the Reserve, being highlighted in the category “Sustainability in Processes”, Legado das Águas drew attention in 2018 with the Green Code, a project that made it possible to guarantee the quality standard during all stages of the process of production of plants, from the identification of the matrix – the plant from which the seeds or vegetative reproduction material is collected – to the final destination.
Prêmio Muriqui 2018
In 2018, Legado das Águas won the Prêmio Muriqui 2018 in the Corporate category. Created in 1993 by the National Council of the Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve.
The award aims to encourage actions that contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, the promotion and promotion of sustainable development in the Atlantic Forest area.
Prêmio Automação 2018
Legado das Águas, through the Green Code project, was the winner of the Sustainability category of the Prêmio Automação 2018. The Green Code brings the use of technology to the Legado das Águas nursery, making it possible to automate the traceability process during production of plants, allowing the monitoring and guarantee of origin from the collection of the seed in the matrix to the final consumer. The award was created by GS1 Brasil to value the creativity and efforts of companies and professionals who bet on automation and standardization to improve the management of their businesses with solutions that increase efficiency and competitiveness in the market. The Green Code is the result of a partnership between the Associação Brasileira de Automação-GS1 Brasil, PariPassu, Zebra Technologies and 3M with Legado das Águas.
Prêmio Latino-Americano Transformadores da Rede América 2019
Legado das Águas received the “Transformers of Sustainable Communities 2019” award from Rede América, which recognizes innovative solutions and actions aimed at sustainable development. In its fourth edition, 13 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the award and, among 73 registered initiatives, Legado was among the 9 finalists and was first placed in the category ‘Sustainable Business and Communities’.
Prêmio Fiesp de Mérito Ambiental 2019
Created by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo, the Prêmio Fiesp de Mérito Ambiental 2019 recognizes the best initiatives in the industrial sector in the area of sustainability in three categories – Large, Small and Social Responsibility. In 2019, Votorantim S.A. was awarded in the Social Responsibility category for the creation of the Legado das Águas Reserve.
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