By opening the doors of Legado das Águas to guides, drivers and other operators, we are strengthening the tourism network in the Vale do Ribeira region, providing a rich experience in the Atlantic Forest with several ecotourism options both here in the Reserve and in the cities neighboring the our territory, benefiting everyone.
Check out our approved guides:
By opening the doors of Legado das Águas to guides, drivers and other operators, we are strengthening the tourism network in the Vale do Ribeira region, providing a rich experience in the Atlantic Forest with several ecotourism options both here in the Reserve and in the cities neighboring the our territory, benefiting everyone.
Check out our approved guides:

Alef Felipe Garcia Domingues

Tour guide specialized in birdwatching in the Ribeira Valley for 5 years. With experience in work as a guide in several inns, Reservations and Hotel Fazenda. He has lived in the region since he was a child, always observing the fauna and flora, where he brought knowledge about the forest environment. Conducted several courses related to areas always focused as a birdwatching guide and ecotourism guide
Telephone: (15) 99693-7366
E-mail: alefdomingues380@gmail.com
Instagram: @aleffelipe_bird_guide
Facebook: Bird Tapiraí observação de aves

Alex Mesquita

A biologist by training, in his more than 20 years of experience he has worked in all Brazilian biomes, working with ecology, surveys and monitoring of birds and mammals. As a professional in tourism, he has several itineraries for the observation of birds and mammals in the South, Southeast, Northeast and Midwest. He has extensive knowledge, so his experience provides clients with a lesson on diversity, biogeography, ecology and systematics of birds and mammals.
Alex is a moderator of eBird Brasil and since April 2022 he has been the coordinator of the platform.
Telephone: (51) 99314-7858
E-mail: alexmeskita@gmail.com | cariamaecotur@gmail.com
Site: www.cariamaecotur.com
Instagram: @alexmeskita

Demis Bucci

Birdwatching guide since 2012 focusing on the southeastern Atlantic Forest, today he expands his knowledge to the Pantanal biome. Full-time guide since 2014, until he specializes more and more in animal behavior. A partner of Legado das Águas since 2018, she becomes one of the first birdwatching guides in the reserve.
Telephone: (43) 99188-5747
E-mail: dbbirdwatching@gmail.com
Site: www.demisbuccibirdwatching.com.br
Instagram: @dbbirdwatching

Felipe do Amaral Arantes

Felipe was born in São Paulo and has been passionate about wildlife since he was a child, which led him to study Biology, becoming an ornithologist with a focus on the history, morphology and songs of Brazilian birds. He has extensive experience in bird surveys and monitoring projects in natural areas, mainly in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. In recent years, he has dedicated himself to showing the biodiversity of this group to lovers of biodiversity.
Telephone: (11) 98555-9289
E-mail: felipeaarantes87@gmail.com

Gabriel Augusto Leite

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Vale do Paraíba, Master in Ecology from the Federal University of Tocantins, PhD in Genetics, Conservation and Evolutionary Biology from the National Institute for Research in the Amazon and Post-Doctorate from the Federal University of Roraima. National Tourism – Cadastur. He has been a guide for more than 10 years, mainly in the Amazon region, where he currently resides, but he has experience throughout the national territory, leading groups from different countries in search of the rarities of Brazil.
Telephone: (92) 98447-2278
E-mail: gabrielzoobio@hotmail.com

Jefferson Santana Otaviano

Biologist, leads bird watching in the Atlantic Forest biome from 2015 to the present day. Her way of working during guided tours is known for being calm, good-humoured and for having a very keen ear. He was one of the first guides to work at Legado das Águas. He knows the Reserve very well and the best observation points. He also works on the development of birdwatching itineraries in hotels and inns throughout Brazil.
Telephone: (19) 99669-6342
E-mail: jeffersonotaviano@yahoo.com.br
Instagram: @jeffersonotaviano_birdwatching

Marco Silva

He is a birdwatching guide with more than 10 years of experience in Brazilian avifauna. He has been working at SAVE Brasil since 2016 in the Cidadão Cientista project and carried out Avifauna Monitoring in the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Pampa and Pantanal. He collaborated with the preparation of bird guides, participated in National Action Plans for conservation and acts as a moderator of eBird Brazil.
Telephone: (11) 99500-8958
E-mail: marcosama@gmail.com
Instagram: @marco.birding.jpg

Edivald Paulo

Biodiversity nature and Birdwatching guide. Forest Foundation guide with extensive skills in the forest and birdwatching courses. Since of your childhood, living in P.E Jurupará, area makes a connection with Legado das Águas.
Telephone: +55 (11) 96865-0513
E-mail: edivaldpaulod@gmail.com
Instagram: @edivald_paulo
Facebook: Edivald Paulo
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